photo from http://www.ellisms.com
OK- for those of you who are passionate about history, sculpture, or preservation (pick one or all of the above) this alert from the folks at Save Outdoor Sculpture
As you may or may not know, the nation is gearing up for Lincoln's bicentennial (The actual date of L's 200th birthday is Feb 12, 2009, just 23 days after W leaves office. There's something, like, symbolic about that- no?) But the official celebrations run from 2008-2010 and to mark the event in grand style, SOS has launched a campaign to save all of the Lincoln monuments and statues in the nation. They even have a list of "needy Abraham Lincoln sculptures" for folks to support.
Per their press release, "According to the Inventory of American Sculpture, Abraham Lincoln is the most honored person in America’s outdoor sculpture. As our nation prepares to celebrate his bicentennial birthday, these memorials will assume increased significance. Citizens looking to commemorate Lincoln’s legacy will turn to statues in town squares and parks, at county courthouses and local high schools, on busy street corners and country roads. These sculptures are tangible reminders of the extraordinary man whose values and courage helped save our union."
This, indeed, is one of the prime purposes of public sculpture. Even though everybody passes by the pieces daily with nary a glance, and morons spray pain them and tweak their noses, they wait for us to remember. So here's the plan-
1) look around and notice any Lincoln sculptures near you;
2) help these guys out by checking out their info at http://www.heritagepreservation.org/SOSUpdate/2006/sp06albc.htm
I thank you.SOS thanks you. Lincoln thanks you. The nation (dare I not to be too grand???) thanks you!
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