Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Now you see it....

(Photo from HO/AP)

A fascinating story of sculpture, theft, and forgery hit the news from Greece this past week, and I await every episode eagerly.
It seems that two men, a goat herd and his friend, were found trying to pedal a 2,500 year old statue that officials said they had hidden in a goat pen. The piece was a female statue called a kore and was in pretty good condition for the type.
Greek Culture officials were thrilled. Experts were called in. The Goatherd was arrested- leading to headlines that were strangely reminiscent of ancient Greece- Priceless ancient Greek statue rescued from goat-pen; goatherd arrested.
It was tagged at around $16 million.
But yesterday- alas- a blow to the gut. The piece is being called a forgery. The experts are red faced, and the goatherd's fate is uncertain.
More as things progress.

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