Saturday, March 10, 2012

Catching up

(Photo from

A few days ago, I was overwhelmed with new stories on  the public sculpture scene, but couldn't cover everything at once. I hereby attempt to get to the backlog!

One of the new pieces slated to go up in New York City this summer is a fascinating work by Charles Long that will be installed in Madison Square Park in May. It's essentially a long railing with amorphous shapes along it. When viewers stroke the forms, they make sounds and vibrations. It is, aptly enough, called "Pet Sounds".

What I particularly love about this multimedia piece is that the shapes that take the place of pets are so cool. They really do look like a template for creatures of the distant past- or future. There's no need to make a realistically detailed animal in order for it to win our hearts. Oddly enough, someone recently told me that the reason they love elephants is that they are all shape and no detail.

I eagerly await this new experience.

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